Download LMC 8.8 Beta Fix APK (257 MB)

Here you can download the LMC 8.8 APK for Android devices. This app is currently not available for IOS or iPhone devices so you need an Android phone to install this app. LMC 8.8 was launched on 18th September 2023 by Hasli and it is based on Gcam V8.8. You can use the LMC 8.8 Config file to add more features and enhancement options that help to improve the picture quality.

Downloading the LMC 8.8 APK from our website is absolutely free. You can pursue the installation guide given on our website to download and install the app without facing any issues.

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How to Use LMC 8.8

If you have ever used Gcam or LMC 8.4 then you will not face any challenges in using LMC 8.8 Apk because its user interface is very similar to Google Cmaera app. LMC 8.8 offers many advanced features which might be little difficult to understand for a newbie initially. When you open the app, it show a basic interface where you have some important features enabled. You can go to the settings of the app to customize the app interface and add more options, tools and features as per your requirements aperture control, additional cameras, aux button layout, focus slider, exposure slider, optical stabilization, etc.

Familiarize yourself with the user interface, which is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly. Take some time to explore the different modes and features offered by the app, such as portrait mode, night sight, and panorama. Experiment with various settings, such as HDR+ enhanced or exposure adjustment, to capture your desired shot. Utilize additional tools like filters or advanced settings if you want to enhance your photos further.

Key Highlights

Here are 10 exciting features of the Google Camera App that will enhance your photography experience and capture those precious moments with ease. With this app, you can enjoy:

  • Capture vibrant photos with the new HDR+ Enhanced technology.
  • Turn on the Night Sight mode to take bright shots in low light conditions by opening the shutter for a longer time.
  • Portrait Mode for beautiful bokeh effects that make your main subject or person stand out.
  • Super Res Zoom for sharp and clear zoomed-in images without losing quality or making the picture noisy.
  • Slow Motion video recording to create dramatic and captivating clips.
  • Lens Blur option to create professional-looking depth-of-field effects.
  • Time-lapse functionality to capture long-duration events in a compressed video format.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where to Download LMC 8.8 APK?

You can easily download the LMC 8.8 APK file from Make sure you bookmark this webpage so that you can easily visit our website to download the updated version of the app. We continuously update the app as the latest version comes from the developer.

What are the System Requirements for the LMC 8.8 Camera App?

LMC 8.8 Camera App is very well optimized and does not consume too much processing power but it works on Android 10.0 or above devices.

Why LMC 8.8 APK Keep Crashing?

There are some minor bugs and issues in LMC 8.8 Apk that cause crashing which most likely be fixed in the next update so stay tuned.